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Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Having an aggressive boss is one of the greatest pain that many employee can suffer especially if their job is an high paying one. There are some employees who says they only have joy fill their heart when one of the following situations happens:
            When it is weekend
-          When their aggressive boss travels or on vacation.
-          When they are on holiday
-          When they are on LEAVE from work.

Aside the situations that I have highlighted above, employees have already developed a phobia on how to relate with their boss without any counter reactions.
But in this article I will give you tips which I used in handling one of my former boss that has temperament issues and he ended up being my best boss ever.

Here are the tips:
              RESEARCH: You will have to do a thorough research on your boss to know all his/her attitudes and identify all his/her dos and don’ts. Having a clear understanding of your boss behavioral attitudes will give you an easy guide on how to relate with him/her.

           IDENTIFY HIS/HER AGGRESSION TRIGGERING BUTTONS:    Aggression can be triggered when some certain attitudes are in play from the employees, meaning that there are some certain attitudes that are very irritating to the boss and might make him/her unleash his/her aggression on the employees. Examples of such attitudes are: laziness, dirtiness, gossiping, sluggishness and many more. Therefore the earlier you can identify these buttons and totally avoid them, the faster you become an expert in handling your aggressive boss.


        BOLDNESS, SINCERITY AND HONESTY:  You have to develop yourself to be able to meet up with your boss’s expectations by being bold to handle all his/her instructions. And this can be done by having a sincere heart to carry out all the instructions with honesty at the shortest period of time.


         ADMIRE HIM/HER:   Attitude of being bold enough to pass positive , encouraging and motivating comments to your boss will in no time make you become his/her best friend.

Positive comments like; ‘you are the best boss I have ever worked for’, ‘you look very wonderful today sir/ma’, ;I like your tie sir’, I count it a rare privilege to work with you sir/ma’ etc.

   BECOME MORE EXCITED AND ENERGETIC AFTER YOU ARE BEING CORRECTED SORELY OR SCOLDED BY YOUR BOSS:   This is a situation where most employees get it wrong, because they immediately become sober and very moody when their boss has shown his/her aggression on them. The employees always think that when they put themselves in that moody and sober state that their boss might pity them to stop his/her aggression or apologies to them. But on the contrary withdrawing into a moody and sober state will only bring more heavier aggression from the boss, because they automatically think the employees have tagged them to be very wicked and callous person and these imagination will make them become more cruel to their employees.
But rather than becoming sober and moody, try to become more and more excited about the corrections or scolding and even say the word ‘thank you sir/ma’ when you are leaving the boss presence and jump back to your work with more energy and passion, this way you will make your boss feels that he/she is on the right track correcting you and he/she will soon get tired of putting aggression on you, thereby making him/her move on to another employee who does not know these  tips and descend on them.

Friday, May 17, 2019

3 negative images about selling that are not true.

Mention of the word 'selling' will prompt a variety of responses. It will evoke a high proportion of negative, even hostile responses like 'immoral', 'dishonest', 'unsavory', 'degrading', and 'wasteful'. Is such an unfavorable view justified? we suggest not.

In fact the underlying attitudes to selling derive from widely held misconception about selling, some of which are below:

  • SELLING IS NOT A WORTHWHILE CAREER: This notion is held by many, the common attitude being that if one has talent then it will be wasted in sales. Unfortunately this attitude is often held in a position to advise and influence young people in their choice of careers. In some circles it is fashionable to denigrate careers in selling, with the consequence that many of our brighter graduates are not attracted to a career in selling.

  • GOOD PRODUCTS WILL SELL THEMSELVES AND THUS THE SELLING PROCESS ADDS UNNECESSARILY TO COSTS:This view assumes that if you produce a superior product then there will always be buyers. This may be all right if a firm can produce a technologically superior product, but then it is likely that additional costs will accrue in terms of research and development, and there will be continued research and development costs involved in keeping ahead.

  • THERE IS SOMETHING IMMORAL ABOUT SELLING, AND ONE SHOULD BE SUSPICIOUS ABOUT THOSE WHO EARN THEIR LIVING FROM THIS ACTIVITY: The origin and reason for this most pervasive and damaging of the misconceptions about SELLING stems from the 'foot in the door' image that has been perpetuated. Such attitudes can make life difficult for the salesperson who has to overcome the barriers which such mistrust erects in the customer-salesperson relationship.

Thursday, May 16, 2019


The diverse nature of the buying situation means that there are many types of selling jobs: selling jobs varies according to the nature of the selling task.These are highlighted below:

(1)  ORDER-TAKERS: They respond to already committed customers. we have;

(a) Inside order-takers: Here the customer has full freedom to choose products without the presence of a sales person. The sales assistant's task is purely transactional-recieving payment and passing over the goods. Another form of inside order-takers is the telemarketing sales team who support field sales by taking customers' orders over telephone.
(b) Delivery Salespeople: The salesperson's task is primarily concerned with delivering the product. In the UK milk, newspapers and magazines are delivered to the door. There is little attempt to persuade the household to increase the milk order or number of newspapers taken: changes in order size are customer-driven. Winning and losing orders will be dependent on reliability of delivering and the personality of the salesperson.
(c) Outside order-takers: These sales people visit customers, but their primary function is to respond to customer requests rather than actively seek to persuade. Outside order-takers do not deliver and to a certain extent they are being replaced by more cost efficient telemarketing teams.

(2) ORDER- CREATORS (Missionary salespeople):
In some industries, notably the pharmaceutical industry, the sales person's task is not to close the sale but to persuade the customer to specify or recommend the seller's products. For example, Medical Sales representatives calling on doctors cannot make a direct sale since the doctor does not buy drugs poersonally, but prescribes or recommend (specifies) them for patients. Similarly in the building industry, Architects act as a recommender or specifiers rather than buyers, and so the objective of a sales call cannot be to close the sale. Instead in these situation the selling task is to educate and build goodwill.

The final category called order-getters, consists of those in selling teams where the major objective is to persuade customers to make a direct purchase. These are the front-line salespeople and in many ways this type of selling represents the most challenging of the 3. Order-getting demands several skills on the part of the salesperson e.g; the ability to identify new prospects, persuading and negotiating and ultimately building new and profitable business in the face of often fierce competition.

10 success factors for a professional salesperson

A key issue for aspiring and current salespeople and sales managers is an understanding of the key success factors in selling.

  • LISTENING SKILLS: Ability to listen keenly to prospects is one major skill that gives salesperson success in their sales deals.This is so because by listening carefully to the client, the salesperson will be able to identify their problems and needs , thereby knowing the perfect product to sell to them which then leads to conversion of sale.

  • FOLLOWUP- SKILL: That a prospect says He/She is not interested in a product doesn't mean they don't need it, therefore it is very important for salesperson to keep the details of the client and their last discussions in a record book. The salesperson should now go ahead to study the record book and come up with a new strategic approach of convincing the client on the next appointment.

  • ABILITY TO ADAPT SALES STYLE FROM SITUATION TO SITUATION: This skill is very important is getting successes from sales deals, because clients will always be in a particular situation when salesperson meets them e.g It might be on their birthday party, therefore Salesperson is required to adapt to the situation like; dressing moderately to blend with the situation and communicate more congratulatory message content than selling content to the client, salesperson should  also make the client see how the product will add more value to the celebration.

  • TENACITY-STICKING TO THE TASK: Interest and diligence are the key factors of becoming a successful salesperson, because if the interest is not there, you can't be diligent i.e You give up easily at every slight rejection that comes your way.

  • ORGANISATIONAL SKILLS: Put all tools required for selling in order e.g Record books, sales scripts, planning book etc, this act is very important in becoming a successful salesperson, because a Salesperson that cannot organize him/herself can't succeed in this career.

  • VERBAL COMMUNICATION SKILL: A good verbal communication skill is required for a salesperson in becoming successful in this career, because ability to communicate properly with clients by passing understandable contents to them verbally makes the sales processes extremely easier.

  • DEMONSTRATED ABILITY TO OVERCOME OBJECTIONS: Objections from the field of sales are inevitable, they will surely come but research shows that 70% objections normally turns to a successful Sales. Objections from clients are another way for the clients asking the question'TELL ME OR CONVINCE ME WHY I SHOULD BUY YOUR PRODUCT'. Clients with many objections often turn out to be the best and long-term customers.

  • CLOSING SKILLS: This skill is very important because it can easily ruin the whole sales process if not properly done. Salesperson needs to develop themselves on this skill as it is very essential to the conversion of the sales process.